Tony Blair to get Email Address

Yes, riding the wave of e-government our great and wise leader is finally getting an email address.

"It has been confirmed that Prime Minister Tony Blair is to get an email address later this month enabling people to contact him directly without having to put pen to paper.

The address is set to be published on in the next couple of weeks and will, no doubt, add a significant amount of correspondence to the 500,000 to 750,000 letters the PM currently receives."

Tony Blair has been compared to Castro and Mugabe for lacking an email address.
Let's hope his IT mandarins do better than the White House ones who developed an "enhancement" which requires nine clicks to get anywhere near emailing GWB - E-mailing Bush? A letter is better... On the White House system, Jakob Nielsen commented, "Overall, it's a very cumbersome process, It's probably designed deliberately to cut down on their e-mail."

According to one guy who set up a fake prime minister's email address there is certainly demand for the service,

"So, by now I was actually in a position where I was reading emails intended for the Prime Minister, actually vetting them according to my own discretion, and forwarding important ones to his office. All without pay, I hasten to add.

You would be surprised at the number of people who write to the Prime Minister with an individual, political or social concern - and I'm sure those that reach this particular address are only a small fraction of them. Some are 14 year old girls urging him to give peace a chance. Some are supporters saying 'well done' or 'boo, hiss' for his stance on Israel, Iraq, or I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Another chap had an invention that he thought would help during the foot & mouth crisis and one guy in particular is really, really concerned about badger baiting."

Posted by Paul at August 14, 2003 04:51 PM |

Visitor Feedback

Gospel communications

Subject: Discourage idolatry

Hon.Prime Minister, UK,

Regarding the news paper, there is a group of Indians plan to build a big temple for idolatry in Chicago. We knows according to the Bible it is No:1 sin against God. It is danger than terrorism in the sight of god. And it begins the depravity of the country.
“Christians have no company with an idolater.” 1 cor. 5:1

Thank you may God`s blessing be up on you.

We pray

Yours Lovingly

Evg. Paul Mala
Gospel communications
S. India

Posted by: paul mala at December 1, 2003 11:28 AM

This view about temples being a threat to America by Gospel Communications is totally racist. Dosen't Christianity also say to accept all religions. Hindism does not in anyway encourage terrorism, it is a totally peaceful religion. Its true that hindus do worship idols yet they are all forms of the same, one god. Lets not forget the genocide commited by the Serbians against the Kosovans, the english aginst the indians and the Nazis against the Jews, all of which were christians.

Posted by: John Grout at December 23, 2003 08:34 PM