Moving House

Moving house was such a pain. Even though it was only something like 30 metres round the corner there was 15 steps down, into the van, round the corner, 65 steps up and we had to do three trips with a full van load to transport up the 65 steps on arrival. Aarggh. I'm going to change from being someone who keeps things to someone who trashes everything.

But anyway, I'm moved and now broadbandless. It's getting activated next Friday which is a whole 7 days away and meantime I'm managing to pull something like 256Bytes a second through my old rusty K56 modem. Hence absence of posts on all the interesting things which have been going on.

It's cool to see so many people leaving comments on posts here, there were hardly any for months but now there are almost more comments than posts.

I went to see Jeepers Creepers 2 this afternoon and it is total crap. Start to finish it is mundane so avoid it at all costs. Instead go to see American Pie The Wedding and tell me if it's good. I want to see it but my mates think it is infantile and noone will go with me. I like infantile. If I don't find someone to go with me this w/e then I'm going on my own on Monday.

I'll start posting regularly again soon.

Posted by Paul at September 6, 2003 02:30 AM |
Visitor Feedback

Now you're in a bigger place, so more room for crap!

I visited the house of some friends of ours a couple of months ago, it's a loft, and very very stylish, very minimalist, but I was a little afraid to sit anywhere, I felt like I was in a showroom. It's hard to hit the right balance between minimalism and liveable.

Posted by: gregor at September 6, 2003 06:56 PM

i think i told you about the time i went to someone's for dinner and everything in the house was either coated in or covered in plastic... weird... minimalism is unnatural, a house is for living in, now that i'm all moved i'm inventing a new interior style called maximumism. "everything everywhere" will be the strap line.

Posted by: Paul at September 11, 2003 04:06 AM