Pub Quiz at The Melville

Having won a hundred quid last week at the Melville's pub quiz, last night's quiet drink turned into a hotbed of competition as "The A Team" (yeah, I know, but thinking up team names on the spur of the moment is always an activity fraught with danger) sought to boldly win some more. Things I learned:

  • Ivan Lendl is not swedish (he is in fact Czech) and Stefan Edberg is Swedish. Neither however was ranked #1 in the world between September 1988 and January 1989 as our buddy Mats Wilander was.
  • George Bernard Shaw telegrammed a wartime Prime Minister just prior to the opening of Major Barbara: "Have reserved two tickets for first night. Come and bring a friend if you have one." The Prime Minister (who was of course Churchill) wired back, "Impossible to come to first night. Will come to second night, if you have one."
  • The first Commonwealth Games was held in 1930 (although it was at that time known as the British Empire games) and the inaugural London Marathon was in 1981.
I conclude that I should get drunk before lectures and might then be able to retain some of that knowledge too.

Posted by Paul in Pubs Edinburgh at May 28, 2004 10:26 AM