Open Doors at Edinburgh Central Mosque

An interesting detour from the usual festival frenzy is Edinburgh Central Mosque (50 Potterrow) opening its doors to the public, coinciding with the Edinburgh Festivals for a 'Discover Islam' exhibition. The Scotsman reports in Mosque opens its doors to enlighten Festival visitors

Throughout August, Edinburgh’s Central Mosque is throwing its doors open to members of the public in a drive to tackle prejudice and misconceptions about Islam.

It is the first time an "open season" at the mosque has been incorporated into the main programme of Festival events and organisers are hoping it will be successful in winning the Edinburgh Islamic community many new friends.

Entitled Discover Islam, the free exhibition features stands and displays covering everything from the history of the religion to the role of women within it.

The mosque will be open between Saturdays and Thursdays from noon to 6pm until 30 August with free basic refreshments and full meals in the Mosque kitchen from £3.

Posted by Paul in Festivals Edinburgh at August 7, 2004 03:48 AM | 2 Comments