Rob Deering - The Movie

Went to see 'Rob Deering - the Movie' last night at the Smirnoff Underbelly (Cowgate) with a friend from home. Now, the 'underbelly' is an amazing warren of a place underneath, I think, the central public library. Everywhere you turn there's a new room of some description, chillout rooms, performance rooms, barrooms. And they have free wi-fi which is a bonus though I don't usually take my laptop to shows with me knowing that it is both annoying for others when I start googling everything i'm unsure about and that beer and computers don't mix well. Especially internet enabled computers. Still, nice effort underbelly people.

Rob Deering was quite funny. His set was a pastiche of movie references with lots of audience participation and some really funny moments. It wasn't the kind of funny that makes you cry, more like you come out thinking, "hmm, he seems like a nice chap, and funny too." He plays guitar too, rather well.

And then the Spiegeltent (not that we were posh enough to actually pay to go into the Spiegeltent but rather we hung around in the outside bar soaking up the atmosphere). Very very busy.

Posted by Paul in Fringe Festival Edinburgh at August 15, 2004 03:32 AM | 0 Comments