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How to expertly roast coffee

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Read How to expertly roast coffee
Walk through of roasting by Victrola Coffee barista.

At t o n x . o r g » I roast coffee:

In the last year Victrola began roasting its own coffee with Chris (the co-owner with his wife Jen) and my barista colleague Sam taking on the task of learning the art of roasting on a new Diedrich gas fired roaster and developing blends for our espresso and drip coffees. The early results were astonishingly good, which was fortunate as we had previously been using Vivace’s coffee and thus the bar was set very high for the drinks we delivered. When Sam left for the big city I took over his spot as roaster and, after a steep learning curve, have become proficient at turning green coffee beans into a great cup of coffee - a process I will describe for you here…

Posted by Paul in Miscellaneous Links at August 20, 2004 11:24 PM |

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