Poker in Polish

I've been playing Polish Poker this evening with my new (Polish) flat mate Ted. His English is only a tiny bit better than my Polish. My Polish now extends to "I'm going to sleep, Good Night" (I'm quite proud of that one), Ashtray, Lighter, Stereo, DVD. So that was quite amusing. Five card stud poker with one round of betting and only playing with 9's through Asses. Or at least that is what I think Ted said. Ass, Cruel, Dame, Valet, 10 and 9.

His house in Poland is 80km's from Ukraine and 100km's from Slovakia but he has visited neither. I think this is because he is busy when in Poland; working, eating, sleeping. I have also discovered that Poland is cheaper than the UK for everything and Ukraine is cheaper than Poland at least for Vodka, Beer and Cigarettes.

Poker, Beer, Vodka & Cigarettes - the language of European integration.

Posted by Paul in Poker Entertainment at January 21, 2005 03:06 AM | 0 Comments