Strangely quiet around here...

It's strangely quiet around here. You see the ferocious reader has gone to Palm Springs to help her sister look after her brood of babies. She's back on the 20th of June. It's going to be boring around here until then. So, here's a list of things I miss or will miss about my flat mate Anna-Lisa:

  1. Tuneless singing of her "Entertain me" song ("Entertain me, entertain me, entertain me, entertain me now" with slight variations in tune each time).
  2. The Nothing Happening Conversation -
    P: What's happening? / What ya doin'? / Sup?
    AL: Nada
    P: Ok
    AL: What's happening wit you?
    P: Nada
    Both go back to ignoring each other.
  3. The Food Conversation -
    AL: What you cooking for me?
    P: Nothing, what you cooking for me?
    AL: Nothing
    Both ignore each other until Stu comes round and AL makes him cook something nice. Or someone suggests Kebab Mahal.
  4. The dishes in stagnant water strategerie. We have wildly different dish washing philosophies; I wash dishes the way my 1st year Home Economics teacher taught me to (like they did in the war) whereas AL embraces the possibly more hygenic method of using water like it's going out of fashion. Yet, she piles up dishes in the sink in dirty water; I pile them up by the sink. You might think this is a small thing but...
  5. The seemingly endless stories of seemingly endless new mexican's being created by her sister Maria (and her sister's husband, Hector).
  6. The pronunciation-fascist who "corrects" my English into American. And that of the people on TV who really should know better.
  7. The way that pretty much anything can be laughed about. Especially other people not nearly as funny or clever as us...

Posted by Paul in Miscellaneous Edinburgh at May 26, 2005 08:10 PM