Been away again.

I've been up in Elgin and haven't posted for a while for two reasons. Firstly, the computer at my folks house runs on steam and secondly I've been way too busy having fun! Highlights include volleyball in the back garden, starting with 4 of us and gradually increasing in twos until it was 6 aside and a little cramped. And of course mountain biking at Fochabers which has opened me up to a whole new world of fun. Went to the beach too and drank too much wine and coffee overall.

I got exam results also, pleasantly surprised to see that I passed 4 out of 5 with good marks. Criminal Law was a bit of a disaster, worse than I even thought possible! But hey, it'll be cool. Don't you guys go worrying youselves about it ;)

I came back to the 'burgh today and the weather says it is going to be getting hotter which is *great news*. It's been supercrap for the last few days. I'm going to try to be really disciplined and get some programming work done tomorrow and friday so that I can visit the borders sometime at the weekend...

Posted by Paul in Miscellaneous Edinburgh at June 16, 2005 03:00 AM | 0 Comments