Me and MySpace

This is a kind of nonsense entry, if you aren't just wasting time reading this then be warned, you are just wasting time reading this.

So, I finally bothered to figure out what makes MySpace tick as a community (uber versatility), and perhaps with further reflection this will help me to rationalise its $580Million price tag. I made my MySpace page - check it out and, if you are a myspacer, add me as a friend.

I'm still a non-smoker. Today is day 19. I ditched nicotine patches at day 13 or 14 - they make me have *very* weird dreams which usually involve people dying or me falling out with people. And both times I've stopped before I have used patches and got to the end of the patch programme and fallen at that hurdle. So, no nico-crutches for me. I'm pretty pleased with myself I have to say. I'm not happy that I am now addicted to Extra sugarfree chewing gum - Cool Breeze, Extra ICE and even the odd one Mountain Frost.

According to some web site i just found the following has happened by now

  • Your circulation starts to improve, and the extremities return to normal temperature.

  • Your blood pressure comes back down to that of a non-smoker

  • Your heart rate returns to normal

  • The level of oxygen carried in the blood goes back to normal

  • The likelihood of coronary problems start to diminish

  • The level of CO in your blood drops to virtually normal levels

  • Waste products are expelled from the lungs through increased coughing

  • The blood is virtually free of nicotine

  • Food will taste better as the tastebuds recover

  • Nerve fibres damaged by smoking begin to mend

  • Less effort is required to breathe, as the airways begin to open, and the lungs become more efficient

  • Energy increases as more oxygen is made available to the body

  • As you have more 'get-up-and-go', you may feel hungrier than before.

  • If smoking caused your sleep to be disturbed, this should return back to normal by now
Now, if that isn't a lorry load of great news then I don't know what is. Also, a little equation for you,
19 * £5.10 (pack of smokes at Margiotta) = £96.90
£96.90 / £2.90 (pint of Budvar at the Wally Dug) = 33.4
Slam d(r)unk.

A deadline for 3 essays is creeping up, and I haven't started any of them. I know what I'm writing one about I think - a functionalist analysis of software agents as parties in private law transactions. w00t.

That's it for tonight hombres. Have a good one.

Posted by Paul in Miscellaneous Edinburgh at February 28, 2006 03:51 AM | 2 Comments