Two things I hate

Camping has great appeal to me. I like the idea of the great outdoors, freedom and temporary self-sufficiency but in my experience the practice of camping is always an unmitigated disaster.

The last time was a couple of years ago at Sandwood Bay in the western highlands of Scotland. It rained, it was a 5 mile walk to even get to the beach, there were, lets say, ample midges, it was deeply uncomfortable and what food we were able to cook on some crappy little stove was, not to put too fine a point on it, shit. And then, in the morning the sun shone, the tent magnified the heat of the sun making a 7am rise compulsory. At which point I discover that midges are early risers also.

Clubbing, as I'm sure I will have mentioned, is my idea of a perfect nightmare. Too many people (most of whom I assume by their complicity in the clubbing thing aren't my kind of people anyway), too loud to converse, too expensive, too much bad music. Too, too, too much.

I am struggling to understand why I thought it would be a good idea to go camping and clubbing in Annecy tonight.

Posted by Paul in Miscellaneous Entertainment at August 9, 2007 06:02 AM | 0 Comments