October 05, 2005
I have had a great summer! I've been mountain biking all over the place in Scotland, had a week in Brussels and two weeks in California and I have had time to think and relax and get some loose ends...
May 19, 2005
I had my last exam on Tuesday. Didn't do much to celebrate because I was pretty tired, but as A-L dutifuly reports the gym and playing pool were the activities of the rest of the day. So, I guess I'm...
December 13, 2004
With the completion of my exam this afternoon in the principles of the 'dismal science' comes holiday time! The exam was I think pretty easy... But that's irrelevant now. I've got a few bits of 'other work' to finish up...
November 04, 2004
The promise of free wine drew some of us to a seminar this early evening in the Law School, "The tension between constitutionalism and inter-governmentalism in the future of the European Union" by Miguel Poiares Maduro, Advocate General, European Court...
September 27, 2004
I'm killing time. Forgive me. This quality time I find myself with is sandwiched between this morning's International Law and this afternoon's Politics - State and Nation in Europe. I could have gone home between classes but I think I...
September 19, 2004
Tuesday brings with it the start of second year at the Edinburgh School of Law, and the end of the longest holiday I've enjoyed in years! I'm currently poring over course choices and wrestling with the decision of whether to...
June 09, 2004
Yay, skool's out for summer kidz. No more exams. I think maybe they went OK... I was more organised this time than I was for the last exam diet and I didn't fail any of them so... Ah, whatever. School...
June 05, 2004
2 down, 3 to go. Today was the one I was dreading (in a relaxed kind of way). Legal Reasoning & Legal System which covers things like Hart and Dworkin, Feminist jurisprudence, American legal realism as well as basics about...
May 17, 2004
Unbelievably the end of my first year as a law student has arrived. Our last law lecture was on Tuesday and between now and the start of June I'm going to be trying to spend time revising for our end...